Have you ever heard the word Lemuria? The continent of Lemuria is reputedly the oldest in the world is. Believe?
Lemuria, a continent which is reputedly the oldest on earth. But he did not exist atlantis se. Maybe you've seen above gmbar on other blogs. Why? because images on google that's all good. hehe
Lemuria was a civilization that supposedly said earlier than the Atlantic. Peadabannya era was approximately 75000-11000 sm. Diperiode also roughly the atlanis and lemuaria ever lived together.
The existence of Atlantis is also often associated with kandam kumari. Cilappatikaram epic and Manimekalai Puhar describe the sinking city. Comes from the southern Dravidians of southern India is now the coast is sinking due to flooding. There are many Tamil authors claim that there is a large land linking Australia with the Tamil Nadu coast.
Lemuria was a civilization that supposedly said earlier than the Atlantic. Peadabannya era was approximately 75000-11000 sm. Diperiode also roughly the atlanis and lemuaria ever lived together.
The existence of Atlantis is also often associated with kandam kumari. Cilappatikaram epic and Manimekalai Puhar describe the sinking city. Comes from the southern Dravidians of southern India is now the coast is sinking due to flooding. There are many Tamil authors claim that there is a large land linking Australia with the Tamil Nadu coast.

now the existence of Lemuria still controversy and debate but is
thought to be around the ocean pasific.Beberapa researchers believe the
former rather than the easter island civilization of Lemuria
ini.Mitologi hereditary tribal Maori and Samoa were settled around the
island-island Pacific Ocean also mentioned that dahlulu
when ever there is a great big land in the Pacific that are destroyed
by the catastrophic tidal wave of sea water (tsunami), but not before
they had destroyed the first result of war.
Now that the situation in Lemuria Atlantis ga much different from the same fertile soil and life makmur.Tetapi tetep there is a difference here, people really like the peace of Lemuria, the high spiritual and moral. Meanwhile, atlantis civilization, warlike and greedy.
Like many spiritually advanced by some experts and archaeologists, that the Lemurian and Atlantean crystal intensive use in their lives.Temples of Lemuria and Atlantis puts a gigantic crystal generator surrounded by other crystal2, both as a source of energy as well as to a variety of healing.
Alantis antiquity because the people had a good battle tactics as well as an adequate tool he finally execute the invasion / war to Lemuria. Because the people of Lemuria were ga like the last war he went looking for another place to go to the place which have characteristics similar to Earth, perhaps their very existence at this time we do not know (some say while they were living in the Planet Erra / Terra digugus Pleiades stars)
It may seem strange to go to another planet, but they need dketahui civilization was very advanced. Thus able to travel to another planet.
Lemuria nation is not lost due to floods and earthquakes such as the Atlantic, but they left because of war.
Now that the situation in Lemuria Atlantis ga much different from the same fertile soil and life makmur.Tetapi tetep there is a difference here, people really like the peace of Lemuria, the high spiritual and moral. Meanwhile, atlantis civilization, warlike and greedy.
Like many spiritually advanced by some experts and archaeologists, that the Lemurian and Atlantean crystal intensive use in their lives.Temples of Lemuria and Atlantis puts a gigantic crystal generator surrounded by other crystal2, both as a source of energy as well as to a variety of healing.
Alantis antiquity because the people had a good battle tactics as well as an adequate tool he finally execute the invasion / war to Lemuria. Because the people of Lemuria were ga like the last war he went looking for another place to go to the place which have characteristics similar to Earth, perhaps their very existence at this time we do not know (some say while they were living in the Planet Erra / Terra digugus Pleiades stars)
It may seem strange to go to another planet, but they need dketahui civilization was very advanced. Thus able to travel to another planet.
Lemuria nation is not lost due to floods and earthquakes such as the Atlantic, but they left because of war.