Equipped with a 150cc engine, single cylinder with fuel sulpaibahan system PGM-FI (Programmed Fuel Injection), Honda Verza150 can reliably produce fuel terhemat class. Is 48 km per liter (ECE R40 method).
Honda Verza 150 is also capable of producing a maximum speed of 110 km per hour with acceleration of 11.5 seconds for a distance of 0-200 meters.
Matter of safety and security features, Honda Verza 150 dilengkapidengan quite a lot of features. As a safety ignition magnet (magnetic key shutter) to anticipate the risk of theft, fall sensor (bank angle sensor) that protects pengendarasaat fall, and safety rantao (sprocket chain stopper) that keep the wheels are not locked at the time of the chain regardless of gear.
For features fall sensor, the engine will die otomatisketika motorcycles are at more than 60derajat angle. HM Honda Verza 150 with a market price of Rp 16,050,000, - for the type of wheel and spoke wheel Rp 16,900,000, - for the type cast wheel (OTR Jakarta).
This model comes with a choice of four colors for each type. Namely, Sporty Red, Masculine Black, Tough Silverdan Marine Blue.
AHM targeting sales to reach 12,500 units per month. AHM sure Honda Verza 150 can be the best choice for entry-level motor sport. Because it has a strong engine performance, fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly as well as affordable prices.
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